End of a Looooong Day…

Day 11:

Well, here’s what’s going on. I’ve just spent all day stuck in traffic in a hot car with no AC, and now it’s about 10:15 PM and I have no motivation to dig into my creative brain functions (which seem to have locked down for the night already) to produce yet another sparkling work of art which would take me about 2 hours. So, that being said, I’m not planning on leaving all my nonexistent faithful readers out in the cold, dark loneliness tonight without something offered from me. Here is a piece which I finished quite a while ago and like quite a lot, so I’ll share it with you. Enjoy 🙂

Possession is Forever

Because we know the smell of the wet wood,

and count the breaths it takes to soar up


this utopia is ours.

It waits for us

the way it waits for the loon

to resurface with tossing head and shrugging shoulders.

For we have written our names here

in the sunlight that beats our backs,

and we squeal when the riverweed tangles

with our ribbon legs.


(c) 2011 Marie KR